'cause Astrid Ovalles's amazing just the way she is

Опубликовано: 26 Август 2015
на канале: PhDinRomance

Dedicated to fellow Astrid fangirls (you know who you are; I also know who you are). Please enjoy. :-}}}

Even though Astrid has seen it, please don't be shy. :-} Please still feel free to drool and pour your heart out. I'll join you.

To watch "Camp Belvidere" - http://www.vimeo.com/ondemand/campbel... It's a MUST-SEE short film for lesbians.


More videos with Astrid from me

Gin to Rose: "Your lips are much too close to mine." ('My Foolish Heart' by Nancy LaMott); coupled with Carol and Therese of 'Carol'
   • Gin to Rose / Therese to Carol: "Your...  

Rose to Gin: "Do It Again." (A Marilyn Monroe track)
   • Oh, Let's Do It Again, Gin... (a trai...  

I hope Sahra won't mind lending us her lady. :-}

'Rose' (Molly Way), please forgive me for using you as a prop. :-D

(At 530 views, we got 31 thumbs up for the video. I had to hide the rating because my haters became active again, and they could come over to thumb this down out of my hatred for the lesbian me. That has NOTHING to do with Astrid. I do not want our lady to see traces of these people in the place that belongs to her and her fans.)

No copyright infringement intended on video clips, still photos, and music.
Made for entertainment purposes without financial gain.