14 Days Left For RRB PO/Clerk 2024 Notification Date? | Expected Notification Date? By Vishal Sir

Опубликовано: 18 Май 2024
на канале: Bankers Way by Unacademy

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➤ About the Educator: Vishal Parihar has over 8+ years of teaching experience in Bank Exams. His expertise in English and effective communication skills make him an ideal mentor for those looking to deepen their understanding of the subject and excel in their academic pursuits.


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The video discusses the anticipation surrounding the RRB PO notification for 2024. It analyzes past trends, noting that historically, the notification has been released in the first week of June. Despite a slight delay in 2020 due to COVID-19, the pattern of early June releases remained consistent. Therefore, it's suggested to expect the RRB PO 2024 notification in the first week of June, providing ample time for preparation. Following the notification, candidates will likely have the entire month of June and July to prepare for the exams, scheduled for August. This underscores the importance of starting preparation early to effectively utilize the available time before the RRB PO exam date in 2024

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