Distance measurement using ultrasonic sensor and raspberrypi and save data on local computer
Как «узник космоса» Сергей Крикалев переждал распад СССР на орбите
Empyrion Galactic Survival БАГИ и ЧИТЫ Стрельба сквозь текстуры и блоки
10 Best Hotels Right on the Beach in Phu Quoc . Phu Quoc Island’s MosPopular Beachfront Hotels
Create Stunning PowerPoint Presentations in Just 3 Minutes with SlidesAI.io! in hindi
How to Find Workspace Settings on Notion
One of my best real estate deals im proud of
Git clone. key_load_public: invalid format Permission denied (publickey)
Soft honey homemade gingerbread with glaze - the taste of childhood!
Led Blinking using raspberry Pi Pico W #aurdino #raspberrypi #RPiPicoW
MQ9 gas sensor with raspberry pi #raspberrypi #aurdino #coding #electronics
#Ultrasonicsensor #raspberrypi #aurdino
Portfolio Website using html css and js
image slider using javascript
Toggle class in JS
Digital clock using Javascript
Dinosaur game using JS
LED lighting fun using raspberrypi# raspberrypi #pi #arduino
Led blinking using raspberry Pi #raspberrypi #aurdino
false position method programming in nepali || regular falsi method
day25:rock, sissor, paper game using javascript
day24 :Guess the number game in javascript
snake game using javascript and css
day18: responsive footer using html and css
day17:how to make facebook clone
day16: responsive website of online food delivery
day15: Gym Website uisng html and css
day14:responsive image gallery using flex
day13: moving eye animation using css and javascript
day12:butterfly animation using css
eye moving with mouse using css and javascript
day11:smoke animation using css
smoky animation using css