Welcome to our Online Classroom. Sing with me as we learn to skip count by 5's to the tune of "Row Row Row Your Boat."
Clean Excel Data With Python Pandas - Removing Unwanted Characters
Portable Solar Lighting System Review
NFL DRAMA: Saquon Barkley vs Tiki Barber😳
Goosky S1 Pulse Edition: First Flights & First Thoughts
UMIST - Dukes Tunnel
Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (Windows ADK) for SCCM
Grade 2: Lesson #116 Multiplying by Two
Phonics Chart 13 (Sounds Repeated 3X)
Phonics Chart 6 (Sounds Repeated 3X)
Math 2: Saxon Lesson #102 Using Comparison Symbols (Greater Than, Less Than, and Equals)
Grade 2: Math Lesson #83 Subtraction Facts - Differences of 1, 2, and 9
Grade 2: Math Lesson #98 Counting Canadian Quarters
Grade 2: Math Lesson #129 Multiplying by Four
Grade 2: Math Lesson #93 Writing Money Amounts Using $ Signs and Cent Symbols
Grade 2: Saxon Math Lesson #88 Creating a Bar Graph with a Scale of Two
Grade 2: Math Lesson #105 Measuring and Drawing Line Segments Using Centimeters
Grade 2: Math Lesson #99 Multiplying by 1; Multiplying by 100
Grade 2: Math Lesson #94 Measuring Height in Feet and Inches
Grade 2: Math Lesson #92 Subtraction Facts - Subtracting Using the Doubles Plus One Facts
Grade 2: Math Lesson #89 Writing Number Sentences to Show Equal Groups; Multiplying By 10
Grade 2: Math Lesson #86 Estimating and Counting Large Collections Grouping by 10's and 100's
Grade 2: Math Lesson #95 Adding Two Digit Numbers with a Sum Greater Than 100
Grade 2: Math Lesson #97 Finding One Half of a Set of an Odd Number of Objects
Grade 2: Math Lesson #96 Finding One Half of a Set of an Even Number of Objects
Grade 2: Math Lesson #103 Identifying Geometric Solids (Cone Cube Sphere Pyramid Rectangular Solid)
Grade 2: Math Lesson #100 Finding Area Using 1 Inch Colour Tiles
Grade 2: Math Lesson #91 Writing Numbers in Expanded Form
Grade 2: Math Lesson #85 Adding Three Two Digit Numbers with a Sum Less Than 100
Grade 2: Math Lesson #82 Identifying and Writing Addition and Subtraction Fact Families
Grade 2: Math Lesson #78 Ordering Three Digit Numbers