What are Antiparticles? | Dirac Hole Theory & Detailed Discussion on Particle Physics

Опубликовано: 25 Март 2020
на канале: For the Love of Physics

Antiparticles - 01:09 | anti (e, p, n etc) - 06:18 | Dirac Hole Theory - 23:00 | Crossing Symmetry - 36:00

Universe is made up of matter particles like electrons, protons, neutrons, neutrinos, photons etc. All of these matter particles have a corresponding antimatter version or an antiparticle such that when a particle and an antiparticle come together, they annihilate each other completely leading to the creation of energy. Such a process is called pair annihilation. Sometimes the reverse process is possible when sufficiently high energetic photon may lead to the creation of a particle and its antiparticle. Such antiparticles may have same mass as the corresponding particle, but have different charge, magnetic moment etc. In this video I discuss the various properties of various antiparticles. I also discuss the theoretical explanation of antiparticles according to Dirac hole theory, or simply Hole theory given by Paul Dirac, and briefly touch on QFT. I also talk about an interesting property of antiparticles in various reactions, the Crossing Symmetry

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