PostgreSQL Configuration for Humans / Alvaro Hernandez (OnGres)

Опубликовано: 16 Август 2018
на канале: HighLoad Channel

Приглашаем на конференцию HighLoad++ 2024, которая пройдет 2 и 3 декабря в Москве!
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HighLoad++ 2017


PostgreSQL is the world’s most advanced open source database. Indeed! With around 270 configuration parameters in postgresql.conf, plus all the knobs in pg_hba.conf, it is definitely ADVANCED!

How many parameters do you tune? 1? 8? 32? Anyone ever tuned more than 64?

No tuning means below par performance. But how to start? Which parameters to tune? What are the appropriate values? Is there a tool -not just an editor like vim or emacs- to help users manage the 700-line postgresql.conf file?

Join this talk to understand the performance advantages of appropriately tuning your postgresql.conf file, showcase a new free tool to make PostgreSQL configuration possible for HUMANS, and learn the best practices for tuning several relevant postgresql.conf parameters.

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