In this video, we will do some tests to see the performance of the HP T620 Plus running OpenWRT. The tests consits of normal speedtest, NAT test with iperf3, OpenVPN and Wireguard VPN in both client mode & server mode. The result is really impressive, I strongly believe the router PC can handle Gigabit throughput for both normal usage or with Wireguard VPN.
You can check out the quick overview of the HP T620 Plus here: • HP T620 Plus - A Budget x86 OpenWRT R...
Video timeframe:
00:00 - HP T620P running OpenWRT Performance Tests
00:29 - LuCI overview (Interfaces uptime, CPU load and Temperature)
02:07 - Speedtest with Ping and CPU usage
03:09 - NAT test with iperf3 - Network topology
05:44 - ipef3 test to a Public iperf server
06:39 - Normal speedtest to Singapore test server
07:00 - OpenVPN Client test with HP T620P
08:12 - Wireguard Client test with HP T620P
08:39 - Wireguard Server test with HP T620P
09:43 - Final words
If you are looking for x86 OpenWRT and other tutorial, feel free to check out this playlist: • HP T620 Plus - A Budget x86 OpenWRT R...
Thanks for watching, I will be see you in the next video!
Music: Tangled by Emmit Fenn