How to Use the New File Explorer in Windows 11 and Create Zip Files

Опубликовано: 01 Январь 1970
на канале: Kaceli TechTraining

Learn how to use the new File Explorer in Windows 11. The video also provides a step-by-step guide on how to compress and create zip files in Windows 11. The full Windows 11 course is available from here:    • Windows 11 Full Tutorial - A 2 Hour C...  

Windows 11 Comprehensive Guide:

To add a program to Windows 10 Startup, see this video:    • How to Add an Application to Windows ...  

If you would like to update to Windows 11 manually, see this tutorial:    • Windows 11 Download: Upgrade for Free...  .

If you would like to update to Windows 11 manually, see this tutorial:    • Windows 11 Download: Upgrade for Free...  .

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