You don’t want to miss this free webinar.+Ron Martinsen and +Levi Sim, who both travel way too much, will help you get ready for your next trip. They’ll help you consider the best gear combinations, and at least three things you should always photograph when you’re on the road. Consider, too, that right now there are tourists visiting your hometown, so Ron and Levi will help you see your own town as an interesting place to photograph and practice your travel photo skills. Lastly, they’ll show you tips for finishing your photos in Lightroom and Perfectly Clear, and the best ways to share your pictures without boring your viewers. All attendees will receive a free copy of Perfect Exposure as well.
This event is brought to you by Photofocus and Perfectly Clear
The hangout will be viewable anytime on this page so you can come back for a review, but you’ll have to tune in Live to be eligible for the prizes from our partners.