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How to install Windows 11 without microsoft account
Microsoft with their infinite wisdom chose to force Windows 11 Home users into using a Microsoft account to setup a new Windows 11 Home install, and sure you could try disconnecting an Ethernet cable during setup but it's unreliable so using this method you'll be able to kill the process that's part of the setup process and then create a local user account.
It is probable most Windows users will not get a chance to upgrade until next year, considering that Microsoft has outlined a target for the company of offering the upgrade for every PC compatible by mid-2022. Windows 10 will remain supported until 2025, but Microsoft has not said how many updates Windows 10 will receive officially going forward. Microsoft is clearly going to recommend that you make a long-term transition to Windows 11, since Windows 11 is going to be the latest version of Windows, but you will be able to stick with Windows 10 as long as you like.
now if you are unsure what version of Windows that you need to buy them I'll try to help clear some things up. If you are an experienced user who needs support for virtualization on-premises, choose Windows 11 Pro instead of the Home Edition. The next big difference between the Home and Pro versions of Windows 11 is the support for Windows Virtualization features by utilizing Hyper-V. As Microsoft explained, the Home and Pro versions of Windows 11 share many features, but they also have some significant differences.
As far as similarities between Windows 11 Home and Pro, the home offers the same design, which includes the new Center Start menu, a new Microsoft Store, snap layouts, integration with Microsoft Teams, widget support, and much more. Windows 11 Pro has everything that Home has, but it adds some extra features that primarily cater to professional environments. Windows 11 Home comes with all of the features and creature comforts that you would expect in Windows 11, including Windows Hello, Secure Boot, Windows Security, Parental Control, Device Encryption, and much more.
Additionally, Pro offers a boatload of extra features for enterprise users, including Assigned Access, Dynamic Provisioning, Kiosk Mode, Mobile Device Management, Azure Cloud Support, and more. Windows 11 Pro also offers extra business-grade security features, such as the ability to put a device into standby mode immediately, and prevent corporate data from being leaked.
In both editions, you will also get Android app support through Windows Subsystem for Android (learn how to install Android apps in Windows 11), the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Even features such as WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) are available in the Home version of Windows, and features such as Android app support (which is coming with the next Windows 11 update) are expected to be available in the Home version too.
In Windows 10, there is also Microsoft Store for Business, but Windows 11 will take a different approach. They recently overhauled Microsoft Store in Windows 11, which makes apps and movies easier to search, is eventually going to come to Windows 10.
If you are looking to customize your Windows 11 device without a Microsoft Account, you need to go through a traditional installation process and use one of the solutions that are available within the Out-of-Box Experience (OOBE). It is important to note that, as of this writing, if you are setting up a Windows 11 Pro install, you can still proceed without a Microsoft account using the Local Account option while setting up your account. You can also delete a Microsoft account from Windows 11 Home once you have configured your PC, but Windows 11 Pro allows you to just configure the PC using the local account.
In the current release of Windows 11, you could still create a local user account when setting up, without connecting the PC to the Internet--something that worked on the Windows 10 Home edition as well, but was removed with 11.
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