As I need a ball peen hammer for my current restoration project, I asked my friend from the steel waste if he can look out for one for me. It took him only 1 day to find one, well he actually found two. I asked you guys on Instagram and Facebook if you'd like to see a quick video about this restoration and the answer was a clear yes. So, here it is. I only restored one of the two hammers in front of the camera, ou can see pictures of both finished hammers on Instagram and Facebook.
I hope you like my work and the video.
Huge thank you to all of my Patreon and PayPal supporters and specially to:
Tonya M Broerman
Zack Thompson
Adel AlSaffar
Yale Baker
Alex McGeorge
Alistair Moor
Courtney Maleport
David Barker
Diecast Pirate
Greg Marston
Joshua Bentley
Lambda GPU Workstations
Luke Schmick
Luke Stone
Matt Bosch
Mellissa Marcus
Paul Mampilly
Todd Medbury
Vickie Bligh
Vince Valenti
Xavier Carbel
Yuri Zapuchlak
Alex Breton
alex latzko
Allen Frank
Amanda Taylor, Esq
Andreas Mimra
Andrew Phillips
Anthony Adams
Arni Bjorgvinsson
Blake T
Brandon Fitzwater
Brian Newton
Chad Bryant
Chris Simondet
Easy Green
Grok Senften
Haley McFadden
Harper Kim
Hunter R.
Jeremy Cole
Jonas Richartz
Jordan Page
justin f.
Kelly Imgrund
Marc Cerisier
Marius Costan
Mark Wilder
Martin Rønnow Klarlund
Mellissa McConnell
Michael Bier
Mickey Eisenhorn
Mike Donaldson
Nick Cannon
Pasacal Schmikal
Scott Marshall
Stuart Mitchell
Svenja Iven
The Carlsons
Trevor Kam
Tucker Ifft
Warren G Strand Jr
William Wallace
웅록 윤
Time and costs of this project:
$5 old hammer
$2 new handle
My camera:
Panasonic HC-V180
If you have any questions about the process, machines i'm using or other stuff, just ask me in the comments. I read them all and i try to reply as soon as possible.
Sorry for my bad english, it's not my language. I try my best to improve my technical english.
Subscribe for more of my content. I'm uploading videos about mechanical stuff, as new creations and buildings and also restorations.
Thank you for watching :-)
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