FIX: ‘No Audio Output Device Is Installed’ In Windows 10 [FIX]
Command Used: set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
We all have the experience when we want to throw our computer away, and this feeling becomes so much stronger when we lose the sound: we can’t hear music, we can’t watch videos, we can’t play games with our friends with the mic on, we can’t Skype with our families… it’s a long list.
And the annoyance just keeps coming. At the bottom-right corner of the PC desktop, we see a red X next to the volume icon. When we toggle our mouse over, it says “No Audio Output Device is installed“.
We all have come across the situation where our computer fails to detect any playback devices on our devices which causes the loss of sound. This error is widespread and is only caused by bad configurations on your computer.
There is nothing to worry about. Just follow the simple fixes listed below and if they don’t work, we have listed down a number of different articles for you to follow and implement on your system.
The most common solution to the ‘No playback devices’ on your computer is to display the hidden devices at your command prompt and then either updating them or uninstalling them. Device manager tends to hide devices which are either not working or not compatible on your computer. These steps will fix that.
Issues addressed in this tutorial:
playback devices windows 10
playback devices not showing
playback devices not showing headphones
playback devices windows 10 gone
playback devices missing windows 10
playback devices not showing hdmi
playback devices gone
playback devices missing
playback devices not showing windows 10
can't find playback devices windows 10
fix no playback devices windows 10
playback devices hdmi not showing
This tutorial will apply for computers, laptops, desktops, and tablets running the Windows 10 operating system (Home, Professional, Enterprise, Education) from all supported hardware manufactures, like Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, and Samsung.