Motorcycle wheel milling & deburring:
This FANUC Innovative System of the Year Award Finalist from Acme Manufacturing uses robotic processes for milling and deburring of nine different styles of aluminum motorcycle wheels. A major challenge in developing the system was to be able to identify the nine different wheel types being loaded into the system from the nine separate die cast machines.
The original process was extremely repetitive, labor intensive and exhausting. 15 total manual finishers were used for the process. Acme was able to successfully automate the process through the use of two FANUC R-2000iB/210F robots for gate removal, and four FANUC M-710iC robots for milling and deburring. Additionally, six FANUC iRVision cameras are used in the system of part identification and process alignment.
The system starts as the aluminum motorcycle wheels are randomly presented into the system. FANUC iRVision identifies the parts and key process variables are carried out for all operations. A FANUC R-2000iB/210F picks a wheel and manipulates it through an Acme designed cut-off saw for gate and sprue removal. This includes carbide saw performance monitoring. Upon completion, the robot feeds the wheel to the two FANUC M-710iC milling and deburring robots.
These robots grab the wheels and present them to an iRvision system used for unique tool frames since each part has a different casting variation. The robot moves the wheel to a fixed mill, which removes flash and qualifies the surface finish for compliant deburring operation. Laser tool monitoring is used for quality control. Finally, the finished wheels are conveyed out of the system. This robotic system from Acme Manufacturing produces one finished wheel every 34 seconds. To learn more about FANUC America Authorized System Integrator, please visit