Say hello to the new best 1 SHOT TYR SNIPER PISTOL loadout in Warzone 3. After adding the new conversion kit to TYR, it turns into the best sniper pistol meta loadout in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Warzone 3 Rebirth Island after Season 3 Reloaded update and is perfect for Ranked Play! In today's video we also run into Timmy2Cans and let's just say that.. stuff happened.
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My Warzone TOP 5 BEST META loadouts (after update) list!
► FASTEST TTK SMG Loadout (WSP-9 class setup): • NEW *3 SHOT* WSP 9 LOADOUT in Warzone...
► NO RECOIL LMG Loadout (DG58 LSW class setup): • the BEST *NO RECOIL* META LOADOUT in ...
► ONE SHOT Sniper Loadout (MORS class setup): • BEST 1 SHOT SNIPER LOADOUT in Warzone...
► 2 SHOT AR Loadout (SVA 545 class setup): • NEW *2 SHOT* SVA 545 is META on Rebir...
► FASTEST Sniper Loadout (Katt AMR class setup): • the *BEST* 1 SHOT SNIPER LOADOUT in W...
On this channel we're testing the best AR, Sniper, LMG and SMG Meta loadout and class setup for Ranked Play in Warzone, Modern Warfare 3 aka MW3 & Rebirth Island (after Season 3 Reloaded update!) daily from your favorite creators such as Booya, LuckyChamu, Swagg, SeeK, Strahfe, Klubo, Kxpture, Tctekk, exzachtt, MuTeX, Aydan, JoeWo, Metaphor, Repullze, JGod and Nickmercsto find out what is the best and fastest killing gun to use right now!
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