COLLECTION!! Easy Skip Counting: Learn To Skip Count By 2-12 With These Simple Songs! CC

Опубликовано: 12 Май 2021
на канале: The Eagle's Nest - Our Online Classroom

Classical Conversations Skip Counting Songs! Learn to skip count with these easy songs! Clearly I am not a professional singer. I love singing simple songs with my students. I use them as transitions. We sing as we put our books away. We sing as we walk to the mats to get ready for a lesson, and we sing in the halls. This is why I love short simple songs which do not require music.

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Math Playlist:    • Grade 1 Math  

Skip Counting Playlist:    • Skip Counting  

Phonics and Spelling Playlist:    • Phonics & Spelling Patterns  

Reading Playlist:    • Daily Reading Review  

Writing Playlist:    • Learn to Write  

Language Playlist:    • Grade 1: Language  

These are a great way to learn to skip count at home and school! Skip counting is a great way to learn multiples.

skip count by 2: Jesus Loves Me Skip counting by 2
skip count by 3: Jingle Bells Skip counting by 3
skip count by 4: This Old Man Skip counting by 4
skip count by 5: Row Row Row Your Boat Skip counting by 5
skip count by 6: To Market Skip counting by 6
skip count by 7: Frere Jacques Skip counting by 7
skip count by 8: If You Are Happy And You Know It Skip counting by 8
skip count by 9: Do Lord Skip counting by 9
skip count by 10: Take Me Out To The Ball Game Skip counting by 10
skip count by 11: Banbury Cross Skip counting by 11
skip count by 12: Michael Finnegan Skip counting by 12

These songs are from the Classical Conversations homeschooling curriculum. Do you love the CC skip counting songs? They are a wonderful way to memorize multiples, times tables, and skip counting.