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5 Incredible Data Science Applications
What Disney Princess Am I??😳
RDR2 : 5 NPCs whose APPEARANCE CHANGED from 1899 to 1907
BSC kya hai//what is bsc?
7 идей вкусных ЗАКУСОК на новогодний стол 2022! Праздничные закуски из простых продуктов!
5 Header length and calculation of acknowledgment number
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Why do Power Lines have 3 Phases?
The SIMPLEST Voltage DOUBLER using Two Capacitors.
Resistor COLOR code: The SIMPLEST way to read it. #electronics #diy #resistor
GM328: simply a MUSTHAVE if you're into Electronics! #electronics #multimeter #transistor #thyristor
What is True RMS and How to check if your Multimeter supports it?
How does the Inductor work? What is inductive kickback?
What's an Optocoupler and How does it work? #electronics #diy #optocoupler
How does the MOSFET work? #electronics #diy #led #mosfet #transistor
What is the REAL current rating of YOUR Wall Power Adapter? Find out here! #electronics #diy
How to flash an LED using only ONE NPN transistor? #electronics #diy #led
How does the Full Wave Bridge Rectifier work? #electronics #diode #bridgerectifier #diy
What is the purpose of a Circuit Board found inside a Li-Ion battery?
How to Power an Old Phone from AA batteries.
Why does an LED need a RESISTOR? The Simplest Explanation.
How to use a Multimeter -- in 60 seconds. #electronics #multimeter #diy
How does the Transistor work? The Simplest Explanation on the Internet. #electronics #transistor
5 Exotic Electronic Components that You've Probably Never Heard Of #electronics #diy #transistor
Diode Acting as an AC Switch. #electronics #diy #diode
Five creative ways to use a Diode that YOU didn't know of!
Stepping down Voltage using capacitors ONLY. How does the Charge pump work?
How does a DC-DC Stepdown (Buck) Converter Work? #diy #electronics #stepdown #buck
Four types of Logic Gates in 60 seconds. #electronics #logicgates
How to build a simple thyristor based oscillator? #electronics #scr #diy
How does a thyristor work? SCR -- Silicon Controlled Rectfier.