Learn how to deploy your next React project with create-react-app and Workers Sites in under 3 minutes. Workers Sites deploys your static site to the Cloudflare network across 194 cities in 90 countries.
Go even further by using the Cloudflare Workers serverless platform to give your website life via responsive APIs or by modifying pages before they ever reach the user.
Tutorial: https://cfl.re/deploy-react-app
Cloudflare Workers let's developers deploy serverless code to data centers across 194 cities in 90 countries to give it exceptional performance and reliability.
Cloudflare Workers: https://cfl.re/CloudflareWorkersYT
Cloudflare Workers Docs: https://cfl.re/WorkersDocsYT
Workers Sites lets developers build fast websites by seamlessly deploying static assets alongside your applications, APIs, and serverless functions.
Workers Sites: https://cfl.re/WorkersSitesYT
Workers Sites Docs: https://cfl.re/WorkersSitesDocsYT