Diablo 3 Simulacrum toughness testing with Stone Gauntlets

Опубликовано: 17 Июль 2022
на канале: Felixfelicis

Thanks to ‪@Cratic1321‬ ‪@wudijo‬ and Northwar
Stone Gaunt Toughness Snapshot DOES ACTUALLY WORK! Equipped: AQ and Unity
1. I ran into the zombies with Sim ALREADY UP
*1 Sim was killed about 40 secs into the test (Similar to AQ and Dantyee)
1:03 one Sim Dies
6:25 Sim is recast with 5 stacks
2. THEN I RECAST THE SIM WITH 5 STACKS of Stoney, and let the zombies attack for the next 14 mins!!! AND The Sims are still up.
17:45 End of testing with Sims not dying
4. CONCLUSION: Snapshot DOES WORK with ARMOR from Stone Gauntlets Stacks, and it seems to be the biggest damage reduction item for the Simulacrums