We all have different ways we like to learn. Some of us like to read about a topic, some like to watch videos, and some like the sequential systematic approach of a course. Udemy is one of those online educational companies that offers a plethora of topics including, you guessed it, Roblox coding. In this video, I cover one of free Roblox programming courses. For the record, I do not work for Udemy, nor have I created any courses on Udemy.
If you like this video, let me know, and I will tell you about some of the other courses I took in Roblox programming and game design. For starters, you can take Peter Baker's free course on Udemy at the link below. You know how this works. Like, or don't. Share, Subscribe. All that stuff.
Getting Started In Roblox Development (on Udemy):
#roblox #gaming #programming