In this Symfony framework PHP tutorial for Sulu CMS blocks I want to explain you this new feature. As editor you want to work effective and flexible with a CMS. The new Sulu Blocks are a great freature to do this. You can define different content types and select and order them in the admin area. This will give your marketing team the full power of the Symfony content management system.
00:00 Intro Roland Golla PHP trainer
01:43 Project setup with Docker and DDEV on a new Git branch
03:02 Symfony fullstack CMS overview in PhpStorm
09:02 Add new Sulu block element xml configutartion
15:51 Add HTML Twig file for cta-element
22:14 Internal dump in Twig file for new cta content element
25:25 Implement real Sulu theme template from themeforrest
30:44 GitLab pipleline for feature branch as https subdomain
35:03 Static code analyse with PHPUnit, PHPStan and codesniffer
37:12 Accetance tests for all pages and deep checks
39:42 Automated test the best in your coders life
41:00 Merge request and code review in GitLab
44:37 Rollout live with smoke E2E tests with Codeception for Symfony framework project
In this video you will learn how to setup a new Sulu vlock element and bring it to your page. Roland Golla, PHP-Trainer for testing and refactoring in Duisburg, showas in a real example how to set up a new Call to Action Button for a content marketing page. All examples here are Open Source and pushed to the officel Never Code Alone GitHub channel.
A big thing in Roland PHP developer tutorials are the usage of PhpStorm live templates. With this setup it is super fast and robust to develop new pages. Copy and paste makes a lot of trouble. You have to rename many keywords. This is a very painfull work. You need to be very careful here.
Pipeline masters with GitLab. Automated tests and deployments are very important to do good work. In this video you also will see how code comes from your local maschine to the live System. On the local setup I use here DDEV. This is super good for PHP developing with TYPO3, Wordpress or Symfony applications like Sulu. This is a Symfony fullstack CMS. So you can just add CMS functions to your appilication. The continuous integration from this video shows a Docker deployment with GitLab and Rancher.
There are 3 more Sulu Symfony CMS tutorials
Sulu CMS Tutorial - Setup with DDEV - Part 1 - Docker and Symfony Content Management System
• Part 1 Sulu CMS Tutorial Setup with D...
Codeception tutorial - Best practice with Symfony 4, DDEV and SULUCMS
• Codeception tutorial - Sulu CMS Best ...
Sulu CMS - Custom Content Element and repeating template snippets - PHP training Symfony Framework
• Part 3: content management system you...
Full open source source code of the Symfony tutorial example
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