E29 - How developer roadmaps were born || From 0 to 251,000 stars on GitHub

Опубликовано: 06 Сентябрь 2023
на канале: glich.stream

There are very few developers who have not seen, or benefited from Kamran's software engineering roadmaps! Kamran has, single handedly, created a revolution in the industry by introducing simple to follow technical roadmaps published to https://roadmap.sh/

In this episode we dive into Kamran's journey creating roadmap.sh, his thoughts on technical education, his experience transitioning from professional services companies to product companies and more.

▬▬▬▬▬▬ Resources & References 📕 ▬▬▬▬▬▬

Roadmaps: https://roadmap.sh
Youtube channel: ‪@roadmapsh‬

▬▬▬▬▬▬ Chapters 🕐  ▬▬▬▬▬▬

00:00 - Intro
00:58 - Creating roadmap.sh
03:20 - University degree and impact on career
03:55 - Designing a software engineering curriculum
05:02 - The purpose of Universities
07:31 - Universities should reset expectations
09:36 - The design of roadmap.sh
10:44 - Can roadmaps cover technical depth?
12:32 - Where did you publish the first version?
13:25 - Roadmaps popularity
14:34 - How did you manage the influx of contributions?
16:14 - How many views does roadmap.sh get?
16:43 - Did you have plans to monetize roadmap.sh?
18:52 - Were you using these roadmaps yourself?
20:12 - What's the next step for roadmaps.sh?
23:06 - How can you afford to work on this full-time?
28:24 - Working as a SWE in professional services
31:52 - Transition to a product company
34:08 - Scaling engineers in growth stage startups
37:01 - Microservices and scale
39:33 - Lessons from implementing SOA
42:46 - The passion of teaching
45:14 - Content creation workflow
47:43 - Conclusion

▬▬▬▬▬▬ Connect with me 👋 ▬▬▬▬▬▬

Twitter:   / bassemdy  
GitHub: https://github.com/link-
LinkedIn:   / bassemdghaidy  
Facebook:   / bassemdy  
Blog: https://blog.bassemdy.com

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