OpenWRT - Install OpenWRT 21.02 on Ubiquiti UniFi AC Lite

Опубликовано: 23 Январь 2022
на канале: Van Tech Corner

In this video, we will install OpenWRT on the Ubiquiti UniFi AC Lite. This tutorial can be applied on other Unfi AC models, such as the UniFi AC Pro or the UniFi AC LR. After the installation, we will check out the WiFi throughput & CPU Usage of the UniFi AC Lite running OpenWRT with speedtest, OpenSpeedTest & iperf3.
For this installation, I will use the non-invasive method using mtd from UniFi (via ssh). If you are looking for tftp installation method with serial console, you can check out the installation tutorial for UniFi AP LR -    • OpenWRT - Install OpenWRT on Ubiquiti...  

Video timeframe:
00:00 - Intro & Hardware Connection
01:02 - Methods to install OpenWRT on the UniFi AC
02:33 - Establish SSH connection to UniFi AC Lite
03:59 - Download & Transfer the OpenWRT firmware to the AP with WinSCP
05:34 - Flash OpenWRT firmware on UniFi AC Lite with mtd
09:13 - Reboot the AP & Connect it to PC
11:43 - Set Static LAN IP & Disable DHCP Server (Don't Skip This)
13:57 - Configure Wireless (WiFi)
18:30 - Setup DNS & Gateway (for LAN)
20:03 - Opkg Update Error - wget returned 5 (OpenSSL related)
24:10 - 5G WiFi Speedtest & CPU Usage with htop
26:57 - 5G WiFi Throughput & CPU Usage with OpenSpeedTest
28:36 - 5G WiFi Throughput & CPU Usage with iperf3
29:49 - 5G WiFi Test with Smartphone (Mi9)
31:43 - How to configure WiFi Fast Roaming & Mesh WiFi
32:16 - Bonus - 2.4G WiFi Throughput Test


UniFi AC guide from OpenWRT -
tftp Installation with Serial Console on UniFi AP LR-    • OpenWRT - Install OpenWRT on Ubiquiti...  

Thanks for watching and see ya!