36 тысяч подписчиков
460 видео
GopherCon 2022: Patricio Whittingslow - Aerospace Go
GopherCon 2017: Edward Muller - Go Anti-Patterns
GopherCon 2021: Asdine El Hrychy - Genji: An Embedded SQL Database Written in Go
GopherCon 2021: Connor Hicks - The What's, Why's, and How's of Running WebAssembly in Go
GopherCon 2018: Kavya Joshi - The Scheduler Saga
GopherCon 2023: Bryan Boreham - Blazing Fast Merge with Loser Trees
GopherCon 2023: Kaylyn Gibilterra - Idiomatic Go Tells a Story
GopherCon 2019: Johan Brandhorst - Get Going with WebAssembly
GopherCon 2023: Brynette Stewart - Golang Testing for All at Scale
GopherCon 2020: Robert Griesemer - Typing [Generic] Go
GopherCon 2023: Akshay Shah - Leveraging Protobuf Schemas in Kafka with Go
GopherCon 2023: Robert Griesemer - Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Type Inference
GopherCon 2022: Kalan Chan - Making the Leap from NodeJS to Go
GopherCon 2018 Lightning Talk: Alan Braithwaite - Web Session Management in Go
GopherCon 2022: Steve Francia - Go: Our Journey from Early Adopter to Mainstream and Beyond
GopherCon 2023: Jonathan Amsterdam - Structured Logging for the Standard Library
GopherCon 2023: Joe Tsai - The Future of JSON in Go
GopherCon 2023: Branden Brown - StAtE OF tHe arT In RAnDomneSS
GopherCon 2020: Dylan Bourque & Anthony Lee - Untangling the Monorepo: Moving to Go Modules
GopherCon 2019: Mat Ryer - How I Write HTTP Web Services after Eight Years
GopherCon 2018: James Bowes - C L Eye Catching User Interfaces
GopherCon 2016: Dave Cheney - Dont Just Check Errors Handle Them Gracefully
GopherCon 2017: Kavya Joshi - Understanding Channels
GopherCon 2017: Marty Schoch - Building a High-Performance Key/Value Store in Go
GopherCon 2019: Gabbi Fisher - Socket to Me: Where do Sockets Live in Go?
GopherCon 2017: Scott Mansfield - Creating a Custom Serialization Format
Integration Tests: Writing Good Automated Tests - Henrique Vicente
GopherCon 2018: Amy Codes - gRPC State Machines and Testing
GopherCon 2024: Celebrating International Women’s Day in the Go Community
Winning the Latency Arms Race in the Coinbase Golang Trading Engine - Yucong Sun
GopherCon 2017: Fatih Arslan - Writing a Go Tool to Parse and Modify Struct Tags
The Blueprints to Building Your Own Badass Community - Benjamin Bryant
GopherCon 2020: Travis Smith - Optimizing Performance using a VM and Go Plugins
Automatically Instrument Your Go Source Code with Orchestrion - Jon Bodner
GopherCon 2019: Ian Lance Taylor -Generics in Go
GopherCon 2019: Carolyn Van Slyck - Design Command-Line Tools People Love
GopherCon 2020: Jonathan Amsterdam - Working with Errors
GopherCon 2019: Aaron Schlesinger - The Athens Project
From Zero to Hero: Launch Your Own Game in 45 Minutes - Ellery Addington-White
GopherCon 2017: Kris Nova - Valuable Lessons in Over-Engineering the Core of Kubernetes kops
GopherCon 2022: Jeremy Brown - Parsing w/o Code Generators: Parser Combinators in Go with Generics
GopherCon 2017: Alan Shreve - grpc: From Tutorial to Production
A Witch’s Guide to Go: 3 Charms to Enchant Your Software - Dr. Rebecca Bilbro
GopherCon 2022: Kyle Conroy - Safe, Fast, and Easy: Building a Plugin System with WebAssembly
GopherCon 2022: Adam Berkan - How Should We Access Global Resources?
GopherCon 2018 Lightning Talk: Matt Layher - Linux Netlink and Go in 7 Minutes or Less
Building a Highly Concurrent Cache in Go: A Hitchhiker's Guide - Konrad Reiche
Build Your Own Distributed System Using Go - Philip O'Toole
Can ChatGPT Do My Job? - Michael Richman
Halloween Spooktacular: Fog Machine Madness - James Heller
GopherCon 2017: Mitchell Hashimoto - Advanced Testing with Go