243 подписчиков
37 видео
Join GDG Cloud Southlake!
GDG Cloud Southlake 38: Alex Snihovyi: The LastDevOps Way for Code Reviews
GDG Cloud Southlake no 10 Christian Posta Future of Service Mesh
GDG Cloud Southlake no 19 Sullivan and Schuh Design Thinking Primer How to Build Better Ideas
GDG Cloud Southlake no 24 Arty Starr Enabling Software Insights by Visualizing Friction and Flow
GDG Cloud Southlake no 13 David Mitchell Observability & Datadog
GDG Cloud Southlake no 22 Gutta and Nayer GCP Terraform Modules Scaling Your Infra the Easy Way
GDG Cloud Southlake no 14 Jonathan Schneider OpenRewrite: Making your source code fix itself
GDG Cloud Southlake no 21 Alex Snegovoy Master Continuous Resiliency in Cloud Chaos Engineering
GDG Cloud Southlake 33: Bob Boule: Effective AppSec in SDLC using Deployment Firewall and DBOM
GDG Cloud Southlake 29 Jimmy Mesta OWASP Top 10 for Kubernetes
GDG Cloud Southlake no 28 Brad Taylor and Shawn Augenstein Old Problems in the New Frontiers of AI
GDG Cloud Southlake 31: Chennuri and Yeboah: Empowering Developers: Gen AI's Impact on Productivity
GDG Cloud Southlake 34: Neatsun Ziv: Automating Appsec
GDG Cloud Southlake no 12 Susan Pierce Data Platform Architectures
GDG Cloud Southlake 32: Kyle Hettinger: Demystifying the Dark (Criminal) Web
GDG Cloud Southlake no 17 Meg Dickey Kurdziolek Explainable AI is for Everyone
GDG Cloud Southlake no 23 Ralph Lloren Social Engineering Large Language Models
GDG Cloud Southlake 35: Aravind Iyengar: The Role of AI in Cyber Risk Management
GDG Cloud Southlake no 18 Yujun Liang Crawl, Walk, Run My Journey into Google Cloud
GDG Cloud Southlake no 16 Priyanka Vergadia Scalable Data Analytics in Google Cloud
GDG Cloud Southlake no 15 Mihir Mistry AR/VR/Metaverse Data Privacy and Cybersecurity
GDG Cloud Southlake no 25 Jacek Ostrowski and David Browne Sabres Journey to the Cloud
GDG Cloud Southlake no 26 Dan Boerner GraphQL Industry Insights on the Rise of the Supergraph
GDG Cloud Southlake no 20 Stefano Doni Kubernetes performance tuning dilemma Solve it with AI
GDG Cloud Southlake no 27 Eric Smalling Why Developers Should Care About Container Security
GDG Cloud Southlake 30: Brian Demers Breeding 10x Developers with Developer Productivity Engineering