104 тысяч подписчиков
494 видео
What I would do different if I was starting out my AI career
How to Find and Read Documentation for Python
Layers and Activation Functions in Artificial Neural Networks
Callback Functions When Training Neural Networks in Keras and TensorFlow
Introduction to OpenCV Cuda GPU in C++
Corner Detection with OpenCV Cuda on GPU in C++
Create Custom Chatbots alongside GPT4o, Claude Opus, and Gemini 1.5 with ChatLLM
Mask R-CNN Object Segmentation in Python
How to Create Your Own AI Avatar Video in Just a Few Minutes
Revolutionize Your Face Detection: Achieve 100+ FPS with Latest MediaPipe and OpenCV Python
LIVE STREAMING - Q&A come ask me anything
How to Swap and Change Faces in Images - The AI and Deep Learning Model of The Day #8
Real-time object detection on phone with TensorFlow Lite
How to Change Camera Parameters and Settings in OpenCV
PointNet for Point Cloud Classification: How to Train and Predict with Keras and TensorFlow
My salary and expenses as an AI engineer
YOLOv8: Real-Time Object Detection with Webcam
Getting Started with Basic Point Cloud Processing in Open3D with Python
Boost Computer Vision Performance: Up to 40X Faster Processing with GPU VS CPU in OpenCV C++
How to Create Requirements.txt File with One Command
Real-time Object Detection with YOLOv5 and OpenCV - Deploy Your Model Now!
TCP and UDP, Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol and Domain Name System - Linux Basics In 5 Minutes
Point Clouds Visualization and Animation - Point Cloud Processing in Open3D with Python
How To Setup OpenCV with NVIDIA CUDA GPU for C++ in Visual Studio
Depth Estimation with OpenCV Python for 3D Object Detection
Generate ArUco Markers for Detection and Pose Estimation with OpenCV in Python
Getting Started with OpenCV DNN: A Beginner's Guide
Roadmap To Become A ML & AI Engineer
30+ FPS Pose Detection with MediaPipe and OpenCV Python - Here's How
Introduction to Natural Language Processing in HuggingFace
Core and Matrix Operations with OpenCV Cuda on GPU in C++
Power Up Your CV Projects: Real-Time Camera and Video Streaming with OpenCV and Sockets
OpenCV C++ and Microsoft Visual Studio: A Complete Tutorial on Installation and Usage for Beginners
Segment Anything with Webcam in Real-Time with FastSAM
How To Use Keras AutoTuner To Find The Most Optimal Hyperparameters For A Neural Network
Understand the AI/ML Job Market, Interview Process and How to Land Jobs on a New Level
Day in Life as an AI Engineer and Content Creator in Dubai
Walkthrough of my Camera Calibration Software Company with Calibrations Boards and Software
How to Train a Neural Network and Make Predictions with Keras and TensorFlow
How to Change Codecs and Backends in OpenCV
How to do Stereo Vision and Depth Estimation with OpenCV C++ and Python
Pose Estimation of Objects in OpenCV Python
C vs Python Speed Test
YOLOv10 Object Tracking on Live Webcam Step by Step Tutorial
Best AI Detector & Humanizer: Humanize AI Text and Bypass AI Detection with Humbot
Variables and Data Types in C++
Real-time Instance Segmentation with YOLOv8: Create Custom Object Detection Models with Webcam
YOLOv8 Object Tracking in Real-time with Webcam and OpenCV
What is the Best Deep Learning Framework - Keras VS PyTorch
How to export and optimize YOLO-NAS object detection model for real-time with ONNX and TensorRT