243 тысяч подписчиков
148 видео
Impute missing values using KNNImputer or IterativeImputer
How do I create dummy variables in pandas?
pandas best practices (10/10): Fixing bad data
Syncing Your GitHub Fork
When should I use a "groupby" in pandas?
Two ways to impute missing values for a categorical feature
How do I use string methods in pandas?
How do I create a pandas DataFrame from another object?
Use cross_val_score and GridSearchCV on a Pipeline
Encode categorical features using OneHotEncoder or OrdinalEncoder
Set a "random_state" to make your code reproducible
How do I work with dates and times in pandas?
Add a missing indicator to encode "missingness" as a feature
Adapt this pattern to solve many Machine Learning problems
What do I need to know about the pandas index? (Part 1)
Ensemble multiple models using VotingClassifer or VotingRegressor
Passthrough some columns and drop others in a ColumnTransformer
scikit-learn vs Deep Learning
How to save a scikit-learn Pipeline with custom transformers
How do I apply a function to a pandas Series or DataFrame?
Web scraping in Python (Part 1): Getting started
Four reasons to use scikit-learn (not pandas) for ML preprocessing
Should I learn pandas before scikit-learn?
Estimators only print parameters that have been changed
How to read the scikit-learn documentation
Use FunctionTransformer to convert functions into transformers
Use ColumnTransformer to apply different preprocessing to different columns
Important tuning parameters for LogisticRegression
How do I find and remove duplicate rows in pandas?
How do I select a pandas Series from a DataFrame?
How do I merge DataFrames in pandas?
How do I use the MultiIndex in pandas?
Creating a New GitHub Repository
Examine the intermediate steps in a Pipeline
Try RandomizedSearchCV if GridSearchCV is taking too long
Use "fit_transform" on training data, but "transform" (only) on testing/new data
How do I read a tabular data file into pandas?
pandas best practices (8/10): Plotting a time series
Don't use .values when passing a pandas object to scikit-learn
Course overview: "Master Machine Learning with scikit-learn"
Navigating a GitHub Repository - Part 1
What is the difference between Git and GitHub?
Use the correct methods for each type of Pipeline
How do I avoid a SettingWithCopyWarning in pandas?
How do I select features for Machine Learning?
Shuffle your dataset when using cross_val_score
How do I use the "axis" parameter in pandas?
pandas best practices (3/10): Comparing groups
Q&A about Machine Learning with Text (online course)
How do I change display options in pandas?