6177 тысяч подписчиков
3.3 тысяч видео
Down to the Wire! Who Will Win? Trump or Kamala
Why Are There So Many Annulments? (Jason Evert)
Protestant vs. Catholic: The Christian Apologetics Battle (Gavin Ortlund)
You're Not Smarter Than The Magisterium (Shayne Smith)
A New Era Of Apologetics, Ecumenism, and Arguments for Faith (Gavin Ortlund)
Is Watching UFC Immoral? (Jason Evert)
A Practical Argument for Christianity (Gavin Ortlund)
The Danger of Being Over Zealous (Shayne Smith)
Has it Ever Been this Chaotic? (Gavin Ortlund)
The Problem with Cringe Catholics (Shayne Smith)
When Catholics Use NFP like Contraception (Jason Evert)
Arguing Won't Convert Your Family (Shayne Smith)
In Defense of Bishop Robert Barron W/ Fr. Mike Schmitz
Is FREEMASONRY Satanic? w/ Jimmy Akin
POWERFUL Marian Devotion
Matt Fradd Interviews Michael Voris
We Don't Care Enough about Ab0rtion w/ Lila Rose
A Real Exorcist's First Encounter With a DEMON w/ Fr. Carlos Martins
Can We KNOW That Christianity is True? w/ Dr. Logan Gage
Was Jesus a Historical Figure? w/ Jordan Peterson
Matt Cries Laughing at Aussie TikTok
"I've Eaten CARNIVORE for 7 Years" w/ Jordan Peterson
Is Nefarious the Most Accurate Possession Movie?! w/ Fr. Carlos Martins
You Need a Co-signer
Jim Caviezel Says His Character is a Modern David Fighting Goliath
New Evidence for the Shroud of Turin w/ Fr. Andrew Dalton
Why Mormons Don't Make Sense w/ Trent Horn
You Might Be Possessed By Satan If These 4 Things Are True... w/ Fr. Vincent Lampert
Downsides to Joining the Daily Wire? w/ Jordan Peterson
Looking Back on the Pachamama Incident W/ Fr. Michael O'Loughlin
Our Divided Church, God's Mercy, and The Eucharistic Congress w/ Cardinal Burke
Dos and Don'ts Of Pipe Smoking For BEGINNERS! w/ Dr. Alan Harrelson
Mind-Blowing Bible Study w/ Dr. Scott Hahn
Ben Shapiro Asks Matt "What is Lust?"
Can You Joke About Catholicism?! w/ Shayne Smith
The New Pentecost, The Spiritual Life, and Growth in Prayer w/ Fr. Ken Barker, MGL
Calvin Tries to Get Us Banned!
Ask These Therapists ANYTHING!
How To Smoke a Pipe w/ Dr. Alan Harrelson
If St. Thomas Aquinas Gave a Chastity Talk w/ Fr. Pine
Reacting to Brett Cooper's Thoughts on P0rn
Catholic Infighting, Liturgy Wars, and Knowing Jesus w/ Michael Gormley (Gomer)
What Cardinal Pell Told Me Before He Died w/ Cardinal Burke
"There is NO WAY Joe Biden Wins!"
I'm addicted to my phone! What do I do? w/ Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.
No Mega Pastors Want to Talk to Matt Fradd?
Woke "Bishop" Denies Based Seminarian Ordination! w/
Criticizing the Church With Filial Piety w/ Fr. Gregory Pine O.P.
Tolkien's Advice to Catholics in a Time of Crisis
Our Most TOUCHING Question EVER! w/ Mother Natalia
Rand Paul, Pride Month, Meeting Taylor Marshall, and FRANCE!
Why is Gen Z So BASED!?
The Funniest Bible Story's Hidden Meaning!
"We Need the Natural Law"
What's Your *MOST OFFENSIVE* Opinion? w/ John Henry Spann
Blsd. John Duns Scotus w/ Dr. Tom Ward
Christ Protects His Church!
Why You Should See Jim Caviezel's New Movie!
Are Catholic Churches Really Prettier?
Advice For Our Younger Selves w/ Fr. Ken Barker
Is Your Schedule KILLING Your Relationships?! | Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P.
Why Joe Biden Can't Recieve Communion