24 тысяч подписчиков
200 видео
Find Factorial of a Number ,Using Function in C Programming language
9. How to import CSV format file in SQL SERVER
Multilevel inheritance in Python
4. Normalization forms in SQL || 1NF || 2NF || 3NF || BCNF || 4NF || 5NF || 6NF
Basic Syntax of C Program
Dictionary vs List in Python
7. IF || IF Else || Nested IF Else Statement in Python
Local Variables in C Programming language
32. Window Ranking Function || Row Number || Rank || Dense Rank in SQL server
Function Without Argument and With Return Value in C Programming Language.
Calculate Power of a Number ,Using function in C Programming language
5. Classification of SQL || DDL || DML || DCL || TCL || DQL
Function Calling || Call by Value and Call by Reference in C Programming Language
Inheritance in Python
19. How to use LTRIM , RTRIM & TRIM clauses in SQL Server.
Function With Argument and Without Return Value in C Programming Language
Practice with function in Python
22. Aggregate Functions in SQL Server.
Encapsulation and Abstraction in Python
10. Select , Select Top and Where Clauses in SQL Server
Features of C Programming Language