378 тысяч подписчиков
434 видео
Combine First and Last Name in Excel (Using Formulas, Flash Fill, Power Query)
Excel Dashboard Course #17 - VBA Toolkit for Dashboards (VBA Macro Examples)
10 Excel XLOOKUP Function Examples (Better than VLOOKUP & INDEX/MATCH)
Free Excel VBA Course #18 - FOR NEXT Loop in Excel VBA
How to Insert a Row After Every Row in Excel (a really simple trick)
Remove Formula but keep the data in Excel (2 Really Simple Ways)
Free Excel VBA Course #3 - Recording a Simple VBA Macro (and Decoding it)
14 - Combine CSV Files (or Text Files) in a Folder Using Power Query
How to FILL BLANK CELLS in Excel (with 0 or Text or Formula)
Free Excel VBA Course #32 - Creating Excel Add-ins
How to Unlock Specific Cells in a Protected Sheet in Excel | Unlock Scrollbar, Checkbox, Drop-Downs
How to Copy Formulas Without Changing Cell References in Excel
Free Excel VBA Course #7 - Customize the VB Editor Environment
How to Get the List of File Names in a Folder in Excel (without VBA)
TEXT Formula in Excel
Highlight Rows Based on Cell Value in Excel
06 - Import Data from CSV Files into Excel using Power Query
How to Insert Image in Excel Cell (Step-by-Step Guide)
Free Excel VBA Course #11 - Using Data Variables in Excel VBA
Free Excel VBA Course #30 - Mouse Roll Over Effect using VBA
Add Secondary Axis in Excel Charts (in a few clicks)
[FREE Excel Course] Lesson 12 - Lookup and Reference Formulas in Excel
25 AWESOME Excel Keyboard Shortcuts (You Should Know)!
Sum Cells Based on Their Color in Excel (Formula & VBA)
Free Excel VBA Course #34 - Working with Files and Folders using Excel VBA (Copy files and Folder)
[FREE EXCEL COURSE] Lesson 8 - Number Formatting in Excel
Start a New Line in the Same Cell in Excel (Shortcut & Formula)
27 - Adding Date and Time Columns in Power Query
LEN Formula in Excel
Excel Dashboard Course #8 - Getting the data ready for Excel Dashboards
Calculate Slope and Intercept in Excel (Formula + Scatter Chart Technique)
How to Create a Dynamic TARGET LINE in Excel Chart
Free Excel VBA Course #20 - Creating Custom Functions in Excel Using VBA
Free Excel VBA Course #12 - Using Object Variables in Excel VBA
4 Simple Methods To Convert Scientific Notation Into Numbers
🔥 7 Awesome Excel Shortcuts You Should Know
Easy Shortcuts to Copy Visible Cells Only in Excel
5 Clever Name Box Tricks in Excel 🤯
NETWORKDAYS Formula in Excel
How to Create a Milestone (Timeline) Chart in Excel
🤖 NEW AI Function in Excel - LABS.GENERATIVEAI (CHATGPT inside Excel Formulas)
How to use FIND Formula in Excel
🔓 Unprotect Excel Sheets in Seconds (When You Don't have the Password)
Excel Dashboard Course #7 - Using Sparklines in Excel Dashboards (In-cell charts / miniature charts)
3 ways to select visible cells in Excel
How to Remove Comma in Excel (from Numbers and Text Strings)
Scrape Data From Multiple Web Pages into Excel (with Power Query)
5 Powerful Excel Formatting Shortcuts
35 - Creating IF OR and IF AND functions in Power Query
Excel Lambda Function (Examples) - All You Need to Know!