920 подписчиков
421 видео
EF Code-First to configure Many-to-Many relationship with linking entity in Asp.net Core MVC
Cloud Computing - Setup a Windows Server 2012R2 VM (Virtual Machine) on Google Cloud
How-to set a Persistent Cookie in Asp.net Core MVC
Schedule a Zoom Meeting and Schedule a Gmail to Send the Zoom Invitation Email
How to use Python-IDLE to write code
How-to Backup a Database without SSMS (Sql Server Management Studio) using MS-Visual Studio 2019
Install an Apache web server and configure a webpage on Debian9 VM on Google Cloud
Asp.Net ListView and DataPager controls - part0 Introduction
Create and delete a Debian9 Linux VM (Virtual Machine) on Google Cloud
Asp.net Core - Add a new Genre entity and a Genre filed to an exiting table.
Copy and paste text between Windows host and Fedora26 Virtual-Machine
How-to use Post-Redirect-Get design pattern in Asp.net Core MVC
How-to use Session to set or get complex-type data (e.g., Object) in Asp.net Core MVC
How-to Setup a Windows7 vdi (Virtual Disk Image) in Oracle's VirtualBox
Add a timer control to a VB form to close the form after few seconds
How-to publish or deploy a simple Asp.net Core MVC web app without a database to Smarterasp.net
Aspnet Create a Database and a Table manually and Run SQL Commands - Select, Update, Insert, Delete
How-to create an Animation using the turtle module in Python
Add a button to a VB form and write code close the form
Asp.net Core MVC - How to use LINQ Select to join four tables
Setup Scene Builder on Apache NetBeans14/15
3D printing the Flexi Cat
Install IIS-Web Server and set up a basic Webpage on Windows Server 2012R2 on Google Cloud Platform
BigQuery: How to import my own CSV Data file /Summer 2022
Data Analysis: using the df.to_ pickle() vs. df.to_csv() methods
Data Analysis: df.query() method
Java GUI: Create a Compute Area app using Scene Builder
Aspnet: How-to deploy or publish an MS SQL Database to the Smarterasp.net website
Socket loanServer and loanClient
Reserve or create new a static external IP and assign it to a Virtual Machine on Google Cloud
Android App: How to retain/persist data using SharedPreferences
3D Printing and Design using TinkerCAD for Hobbyists presentation, 2023- 04-05
How-to add an image to JavaFX using Apache NetBeans 14
How to Deploy a simple Asp.Net Web app to Azure
Create JavaFX FXML project and use Scene Builder on Apache NetBeans14/15
Asp.Net - Introduction to Gridview databind control
setup or install the Telnet server service on Linux (Fedora26)
how to zip a folder and submit the zip file to Blackboard
Android Frame & Tween animation app / part4 Tween Animation GUI & Rotate XML
How-To use Scene Builder and NetBeans 8.2 to create a java Compute Area app
How-to Insert Continuous Section Breaks and a Pre-formatted TexBox into a Word file
Validate the LAMP Online Forum Web App
How to use Python's turtle module to draw lines and circles
Scratch: Video Sensing - Pop the Balloon
flexi Dinosaur
Asp.net Core How-to Customize the auto-generated CRUD view pages (.cshtml)
Customize the FTP server settings for Anonymous User and login Banner
Validate SQL Database and Table
How-to retrieve Query-string parameter-value in Asp.net Core MVC
Validate the Order Confirmation Gmail send from Asp.net Core MVC web app
Scratch: Find the Distance between A and B based on the Pythagoras' Theorem, a*a + b*b = c*c