209 тысяч подписчиков
366 видео
The Sacramento River has Sea Lions!
digicam viewfinder hack
One Hour of LIGHT THE BEAM to fall asleep to
What an NBA team will send you if your water breaks at a game
Using a dumb phone for a month
What it takes to get a job in 2023
Kings game cost me $4,000
Explaining the green dot in your photos #shorts
71 addresses part 1
A Google Street view history of Detroit.
light the beam for 1 hour
The divorce curse of Oregon's 5th district
I repaired a hole in the sidewalk with mosaic tiles.
Sacramento is just Sacramento.
buying photo slides from the 60s
Making a custom MTA map
A Google Earth history of advertising via satellite imagery
13,048 miles a year
so many pumpkin trophies!
what's with the cones??
I made a fake bird rental scooter
I made a hidden instagram photo location
Ray-ban Meta Smart Glasses: 6 months later
I checked out a button maker from the library
they found the buried treasure
can any business succeed here?
71 addresses part 2
Trying to use a 30 year old Gerber coupon
defective hoodies
Poopenaut ct needs to stay!
pick n pull is my new favorite store
I buried a box full of xmas gifts
Hawaii beach signs lie
I made a fake milwaukee sander
the bridge that spins
I hadn't cleaned my car in 4 years...
What a $23 million bike path looks like