219 тысяч подписчиков
22 видео
РАКАЛИ — потрошит ядовитых жаб живьём и охотится на уток! Ракали против жабы и рака!
JERBOA — it knows how to survive in a desert! Jerboa vs fennec fox!
RACCOON — incredibly smart and extremely dangerous! Raccoon vs lynx, alligator and chicken!
AFRICAN WILD DOG — even leopards and buffaloes are afraid of it! Dog vs lion, hyena and antelope!
MANTIS SHRIMP — can break a human finger with one punch! Mantis shrimp vs octopus and crab!
JAVELINA — even cougars and jaguars are afraid of this beast! Javelina vs cougar and jaguar!
SOLIFUGE — the insatiable ripper that kills birds and mice! Camel spider vs lizard and scorpion!
ORCA — the superpredator that kills whales and dolphins! Orca vs blue whale and elephant seal!
BARRACUDA — the sea butcher that can kill a human! Barracuda vs human, pelican and lionfish!
COMMON SNAPPING TURTLE — the most evil turtle in the world! Turtle vs porcupine, duck and crayfish!
RAKALI — eviscerates poisonous toads alive and hunts ducks! Rakali vs toad and crayfish!
TARSIER — its gaze drives people crazy! Tarsier vs lizard, praying mantis and grasshopper!
CLOUDED LEOPARD — the modern saber-toothed cat! Clouded leopard in action, interesting facts!
FLYING SNAKE — it's very hard to escape from it! Venomous snake vs cat, monitor lizard and bat!
BINTURONG — the ruthless pumpkin ripper and cake devourer! Binturong vs durian!
CUTTLEFISH - the deadly hypnotist that can attack a human! Cuttlefish vs. octopus and crab!
ALLIGATOR — the swamp monster that eats bears and cougars! Alligator vs human, bobcat, and pig!
EURASIAN LYNX — the leopard-sized deer hunter! Lynx vs wolf, fox, goat and hare!
KHARZA — the huge marten that kills deer and moose! Kharza vs deer and monkey!
BROWN HYENA — the nightmare of cheetahs and leopards! Brown hyena vs lion and wild dogs!
FRIGATEBIRD — the sky gangster feared by all seabirds! Frigatebird vs sea turtle and flying fish!
GOLDEN EAGLE — the winged assassin that attacks humans and wolves! Golden eagle vs deer and fox!