864 подписчиков
124 видео
01 Single Cell Technologies — 05 CITEseq
12 Online Repositories
05 Data Integration — 04 Integration Assessment
10 Cell cell communication inference
05 Segmentation free cell identification
NGS-Intro 11: Bulk RNA-Seq and Differential Gene Expression Workflow
NGS-Intro 10: Variant Calling Workflow | GATK Best Practices
11 Common Coordinated Framework
08 Spatial Transcriptomics analysis with Squidpy
03 Introduction to Image informatics
NGS-Intro 5: Advanced Linux
02 Spatial Omics Overview
NGS-Intro 6: Quality Control of NGS Data
Big Talk: Animesh Acharjee, University of Birmingham UK
NGS-Intro 3: Filetype in Bioinformatics
07 ISS data analysis
04 Image pre processing
NGS-Intro 1: Introduction to Linux
NGS-Intro 2: Introduction to Uppmax
09 Celltype deconvolution overview
NGS-Intro 12: Research Data Management
NGS-Intro 7: NGS Technology & Challenges
06 Basic QC and data analysis with Scanpy
NGS-Intro 13: NBIS Information & Services
NGS-Intro 8: NGS and Bioinformatic Pipelines
NGS-Intro 4: Quality of Life | Better Terminal Experience
NGS-Intro 9: Whole Genome Sequencing & Variant Calling Workflow