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Why have some scholars said taraweeh is 20 rakahs? Where did the number come from? - assim al hakeem
How to know which scholar is correct to follow with so many online scholars these days Assimalhakeem
Best tafseer recommendation - Sheikh Assimalhakeem
Is humming songs that contain kufr in them without saying the words, kufr? #Assim assim al hakeem
Reciting Surah Kahf on friday and Surah Mulk every night in the Prayer
Allahumma ainni ala dhikrika, wa shukrika, wa husni ibadatik(dua in prayer) - Assim Al Hakeem
Listening Quran while doing other activities - Assim al hakeem
Non muslim wants to send him to hajj with interest money Is this permissible
Is Meme Coin halal? (Cryptocurrency & Bitcoin)
Punishment for people who miss a prayer without valid reason, is it considered as kufr Assimalhakeem
Gaming as a profession: Is having a career in video games permissible in Islam? - Assim al hakeem
Must I obey parents if they order me to do something related to my life, Career, Job.. Assimalhakeem
Is it permissible to label people as Kafir? - Assim al hakeem
Cashback on debit cards, permissible? - assim al hakeem
Whoever denies Ahmedis Qaydianis are not Muslims are committing kufr?
Is it permissible to have vocals as background music? Ruling on Acapella, Beatboxing Assim al hakeem
Reciting the Quran while the Qibla is at your back (without facing the qibla)
I don't move index finger, don't look at it Where to look at? Is prayer valid
The duties of a woman to her parents-in-law
Is Buying on Installments at a Fixed Price, permissible in Islam? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
How did the Salaf treat their parents?
My clothes are thin, transparent but when worn doesn’t show body, can I pray in them Assim al hakeem
Is it permissible to Buy or Sell Gold in installments? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem
After salah, Imam starts congregational dhikr & I can't leave, what to do?
Length of garment above ankles for men. Is wearing below ankles without pride ok? Assim al hakeem
Scholars who say Mortgage loans are permissible in the land of disbelievers - Assim al hakeem
Subhana Rabbi al Azeem or Atheem? Which is the correct pronunciation? - assim al hakeem
Is husband accountable for his wife's sin of not wearing hijab, wearing make up, tight clothes Assim
Is it permissible to interact with Jinn? - Assim al hakeem
A big mistake a lot of muslims do in wudu
What to do if World War 3 begins?
Are Taliban the true representatives of islam? - Assim al hakeem
Ruling on men having long hair & ponytail - Assim al hakeem
Is it permissible to enter the graveyard wearing shoes? - assim al hakeem
Is it sunnah to wear White Clothes? Does it include Cream & Off White as well
Is Dung, droppings of Lizard, Mice, Insects, Cats impure? What about sweat of Donkey Assim al hakeem
Is it compulsory to recite surahs in order during Prayer / Salah? - Assim al hakeem
Why was world created in 6 days when nothing is impossible for Allah: Be & it will be- Assimalhakeem
Is adhan & iqamah mandatory for the prayer to be valid (alone or in congregation)? assim al hakeem
Revelation of Quran in 7 styles (Ahruf..) What are Hafs & Warsh? - Assim al hakeem
Authentic Books recommended for Aqeedah, Fiqh, Seerah, Hadith & Tafseer - Assim al hakeem
Jumah prayer for a traveler - assim al hakeem
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Sheikh what advice would you give to youth & their parents regarding football
Ruling on Karamat (Miracles) of the Awliya? - Assim al hakeem
Is Whistling permissible in Islam? - Assim al hakeem
How to calculate zakat? What if I get some money a month or so before my zakat is due? Assimalhakeem
How to identify Imam al Mahdi? - Assim al hakeem
Is PDA (Public Display of Affection) allowed in Islam?
How to discipline very young children who misbehave and are hard to handle? - Assim al hakeem
How to distribute Aqeeqah meat? Can we eat from it? - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem