66 тысяч подписчиков
3 тысяч видео
5.12 Outlier Analysis
1.13 Resource Provisioning
3.7 PCMM
3.3 maintenance Quality Metrics
5.9 Map Reduce
33 addition and substraction of floating point numbers
18 input output configuration
2.11 Support Vector Machine Kernels
5.8 Enterprise Cloud Computing ecosystem
1.3 KDD Knowledge discovery from data
5.6 Proximity measure for nominal Attributes
1.6 Service Models in Cloud Computing IAAS
1.12 Cut vertex
10 File sharing
4.4 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCP
5.10 PHP Functions
2.8 XPath
1.1 Object relational database model and complex data types
2.6 File System
1.15 Remote procedure calls
1.7 Decision Tree using CART Algorithm
8 user defined exception in java
7 OSI model vs TCP IP
19 overloading a subprogram
1.12 Resource Sharing
2.18 Error recovery techniques in top down parsing
4.4 Processes in Distributed file system
5.19 Debugging the art of debugging
4 Forward and Viterbi algorithm HMM
6 Hashing and types and ststic hashing
1.7 All about HTTP protocol
5.2 Testing Web Based Systems
24 Raid and its types
4.10 ANEKA
5 Cyclic redundancy check
3.3 Flow control and buffering
3.8 Legal Issues on Cloud
4 peripheral input output, in and out instructions with timing diagrams
7 bus interface unit of 8086
5 memory mapping I O interface and input output mapped I O interfacing
3.4 Cloud Security
26 Critical section problem
17 Conversion of CFG to PDA
1.7 Platform as a Service PAAS
1.8 Software Configuration Management
1.2 Cloud computing Characteristics , advantages and Disadvantages
3 Components of system linux
2.1 Perceptron introduction
3.12 0/1 knapsack problem using DP
8 Procedure oriented programming vs object oriented programminh