1 тысяч подписчиков
66 видео
Examples of simplifying boolean expressions
Hamming Code - error detection and correction
Calculating Hamming Codes example
Vector Graphics lesson 3 - objects and paths
3 Using a raster mask with the gradient tool
App Lab - Tappy tap app part 3
Creating a Photo Gallery in PowerPoint
App Lap -Tappy tap app part 1
PS colour replace
J277 Unit 1 Exam prep
Key components of a computer
GCSE CS Paper 2 exam prep (OCR J277)
Introduction to Edpuzzle for teachers
What is the Bebras Challenge
Switch v Hub packet tracer demonstration
Vector Graphics - Lesson 1 Get into Shapes
2 Add sky and adjust colour
Persistence of vision wand
Binary addition
Inkscape shapes tutorial
App Lab - Tappy tap app part 2
Using a command line interface to play BashCrawl
Vector graphics - Lesson 2 working with Paths and Objects
4 Text properties and layer styles
Can a Raspberry Pi 5 be used as a desktop replacement
Machine learning for kids - introduction
5 Final touches saving and exporting
Basic Packet tracer IOT simulation
GCSE Networking with Cisco packet tracer - Part 1
Powerpoint - Using triggers with an animation
Adding VBA controls to powerpoint
Computational thinking for the sum of a series of numbers
Using multiple animations in PPT
Photopea - Clipping mask
PowerPoint windowed presentation
GCSE Networking with Cisco packet tracer - Part 2
Introduction to rapid router
1 Set image properties
Using 2s complement binary to perform subtraction
Code walkthrough Python shopping list program
Using whiteboard.fi for remote teaching
AQA computing floating point example question
Recap of topic 1 sys arch
Drawing a duck in Adobe fireworks using vector tools
My Edited Video
GCSE Computer science revision - systems architecture
Mannequin challenge
KS3 Computer systems - part 1
Introduction to computational thinking
A2 Project - Computer v Human coin game