11616 подписчиков
1.3 тысяч видео
Lua, OBS Script; custom scene drawing
Coding grab bag: Lint/Vim, OS X FFI, Releasing OBS Lua script, Adding color swatch to OBS
Lua OBS Script; custom source for mic status
Postgres/Rails: Restructuring database of OHOL lives
Javascript: Setting up JSX for React on a bitrate calculator
Cross platform releases on github actions
Lua, OBS Script; custom source drawing while we wait for QT to download
Ruby/Elm/JS: activity map layer setup - mapping One Hour One Life.
Elm, Obs-Websocket; Making text entry not terrible
Lua OBS Script; Rendering and Encoding alarms?
Lua OBS-script; dropped frame alarm not triggering
Elm, OBS-Websocket; Where did my audio alarms go?
Ruby/Rails? Data server and import of One Hour One Life lifelogs
Cross-Project Debugging; trying to track down conflict with OBS Script and OBS-Websockets
C+Lua in OBS: Chasing Deadlocks
Updating docker scripts for custom One Hour One Life custom client
Sticky note outlining, rehearsing and filling in
Lua; Bughunting in OBS Mic Check
Javascript: Transpilation, setting up Webpack
Ruby/JS: making leaflet heatmap tiles - mapping One Hour One Life
Lua OBS Script; Trying to track down a crash
Elm: bug fixes and tweaks - Mapping One Hour One Life
Elm; Twitch extension local dev?
Lua OBS Script; Cross-Script Communication
Power Plant Plans - long run continues
Lua OBS Script; Splitting scripts to try and reduce deadlocks
Lua, OBS Script; trying to isolate a crash reproduction
Coding Grab Bag: Lua/OBS, Elm/Twitch
Lua OBS Script; Formatting custom drawn source