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384 видео
Suzaku falls into a trap!!!
Did you notice this detail in Darker Than Black?
Suzaku tortured/Interrogated (3/4)
Emperor wants to speak to Julius Kingsley
"You wanna do it with me?"
Shut the hell up Ootomo
Railgun season 3 Accelerator Cameo
Belq Batoum Bitool dies
Suzaku tortured/Interrogated (4/4)
Hei interrogates Havoc
The Black Reaper vs Cops
Suzaku pilots a Knightmare
Suzaku reunites with Lelouch 3/3
Julius Kingsley
Lelouch uses Geass on Suzaku
Suzaku tortured/Interrogated (1/4)
Suzaku reunites with Lelouch 2/3
"Are you...a virgin?"
Lelouch now knows Shamna's Geass ability
Lelouch uses his Geass!!!!
The true better protagonist!
AMV Comparison (which one is better?)
Hei's secret side
Oshi No Ko: Darker (small edit)
Darker Than Black: Lovely
Code Geass: Burn
Black Reaper of Death (Short Anime crossover concept)
Hei and Suou Tribute: Safe & Sound
Hei confronts Amber
Laws of Physics be damned!
I added a "Bleep" to make this scene worse
Lelouch Vi Britannia: Therapy
If Lelouch died in 2024
C.C helps Nunnally
Lelouch & Suzaku fist fight!!!
C.C puts a gun to Lelouch's head!
L has a heart attack
The Power of the King
Schneizel is still under Geass control!
Evolution Of Hei's Personality
Lelouch's Return Explained 2/3
Ryuk tells the Shinigami a story
Julius Kingsley really is... Lelouch!!!!
Accelerator is absolutely F**KING INSANE!!!!
She has a very familiar Geass power
Hei Tribute: Fractured
Hei talks about his sister
Code Geass: Lelouch Edit
Andrew does not like this!
Hei vs Lelouch