108 тысяч подписчиков
1.1 тысяч видео
I should not have pushed that button | High on Life | Part 5 : Skrendal Bros
INCREDIBLY IMPRESSIVE New Hades-Like! | Meta Ghost: The Breaking Show
Extremely Enjoyable but JANKY Souls like! | Lords of the Fallen
The BEST GEAR COMBO in the Game! | Death Must Die
INFINITE PULL MERRIS is BACK! | Death Must Die | Darkness 100
My HIGHEST DPS Run Yet!!| Halls of Torment
Most OVERPOWERED CLASS in the game! | Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor
WARSTOMP KRONT!! | Death Must Die
The EASIEST Farming Method in Death Must Die
I'm going to waste so many hours on this. | Technotopia Demo
This Bullet Heaven has HUGE POTENTIAL!! | SODAMAN
New Bullet Heaven with INSANE Meta-Progression! | Entropy Survivors
The BEST NEW Survival Roguelike Has ARRIVED! | Death Must Die
All in Turret build goes CRAZY | Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor
Merris Build and Gear Guide! | Death Must Die
New 5 Dollar Bullet Heaven, First Impressions! | Black Dragon Mage
Multitasker Guide & Full Walkthrough | Brotato Tutorial series
Death Must Die Early Access
The 4th Best Lorien Build is still CRAZY | Death Must Die
10 Con DWARF Build! | Brotato | Danger 5 Patamods
Potentially the BEST UPCOMING Bullet Heaven? | Let's Demo Death Must Die
THIS WAS WAY MORE BROKEN Than I Expected! | Death Must Die
Winning with ONLY the CHILLEST GOD! | Death Must Die
The HOLY BIBLE Spell is BROKEN!! | Nordic Ashes
The MOST RIDICULOUS STICK build in the game! | Brotato Modded
I TURNED INTO SONIC To Complete this Achievement! | Death Must Die
MASSIVE updates 1 Year Later! | Soulstone Survivors
Lightning Warrior the STRONGEST BUILD | Dungeon 100
STARTING with TWO DRAGONS is BUSTED | Death Must Die Darkness 30
Chance of Tornadoes? 100% | Death Must Die
Early Game BALANCE IS WAY DIFFERENT! | Death Must Die | Fresh Save | part 3
The Easiest Danger 5 build!? | Brotato
Darkness 30 LEFT CHOICES ONLY CHALLENGE! | Death Must Die
Kratos WISHES he had Chains Like These! | Death Must Die
New Bullet Heaven Launching TODAY! | Artifact Seeker
The Summoner has my FAVORITE ULTIMATE!! | Nordic Ashes
Can I make Blight and METEOR SHOWER GOOD!? | Death Must Die
Becoming a Ghost Slaying JUGGERNAUT! | Halls of Torment
One Hitting BOSSES at MAX Difficulty!
I Made the LARGEST TIME FIELD Possible on MAX Difficulty!
How BROKEN is having ALL The Legendary Blessings!?
Death Must Die Dev Update & Trailer Reaction!
This 1.0 Weapon is BUSTED on MUTANT | Brotato 1.0 GMO
Best Ghost Scepter ever? | Brotato 1.0 GMO
Lightning Bear Monk is the best class ever? | StormEdge
New Balance Changes!? Let's try a FULL SPARK BUILD! | Halls of Torment
I Beat the VAULT HOW FAST!?! | Halls of Torment