1 тысяч подписчиков
255 видео
What are memory locations in Solidity?
Characters Encoding | Unicode, String, Bytes | UTF-8
How to dockerize angular app (practice dockerfile)
Google Maps API Geocoding | Code in Python (شرح بالعربي)
Install python & django
assert vs require vs revert in Solidity
Ethernaut - Level 1 - Fallback
How to get a hash of multiple values in Solidity?
Ethernaut - Level 9 - King
Create AWS Lambda with API Gateway
How does an AMM calculate price?
How to determine if address is contract or EOA? (extcodesize in Solidity assembly)
Ethernaut - Level 4 - Telephone
English auction vs Dutch auction
Ethernaut - Level 8 - Vault
What are two APIs used to interact with contracts?
What are functions modifiers in Solidity?
How to verify a signature in Solidity? (ecrecover)
How to pin directory with base URI to IPFS using pinata API in node app
What is the default visibility in Solidity?
NumPy #4 | compare numpy array & list | Data Location
Django settings.py
What are two types of assembly in Solidity?
abi.encode vs abi.encodePacked in Solidity
Ethernaut - Level 0 - Hello Ethernaut
Ethernaut - Level 6 - Delegate
Ethernaut - Level 7 - Force
Ethernaut - Level 5 - Token
Ethernaut - Level 3 - Coin Flip
Ethernaut - Level 2 - Fallout
Transfer vs TransferFrom in ERC20
How to cancel a transaction in Ethereum?
How to declare assembly code in Solidity?