17 тысяч подписчиков
119 видео
We're continuing our journey as Eficode
Docker for Developers Course - Eficode Praqma Academy
Mastering Git Course - Eficode Praqma Academy
Kubernetes Fundementals Course - Eficode Praqma Academy
Highlights from CoDe-Conf 2019 - The Continuous Delivery and DevOps Conference
Engineer's Guide to Identifying and Coping with Path Dependence - Camille Fournier from TwoSigma
Ikea's Journey into Digitalization - Cristina Vega
Growing Up - The Grass is Not Always Greener on the Other Side, Herbert Geers from ABN AMRO Bank
Complexity, Culture, and Continuous Delivery - Jonas Elmqvist from Swedish Migration Agency
Change Beyond the Ordinary - Peter Johansson from Westermo
Combining Serverless Continuous Delivery with ChatOps - Viktor Farcic from CloudBees
Master Tooling for Containers with DevOps - Jessica Deen from Microsoft
Jenkins pipeline plugin demo
Camilo Ribeiro - Continuous Delivery Pipeline with Docker and Jenkins
Emily Bache - End-to-end automated testing in a microservices architecture
ASK - Atlassian Software in Kubernetes
Andrey Devyatkin - Synchronizing parallel delivery flows in Jenkins