313 тысяч подписчиков
49 видео
3 year old photographer shoots film for the first time.
5 months in Portugal.
My last time shooting film in London. 😢
Photographing the last days of British summer on film.
Rejection, Nudity & Photographer Red Flags: An honest conversation w/ Taina Haines
Portra 400 📈 *STONKS*
Portraits on Portra in Portugal.
My 2022 film camera collection. 🎞
Kodak Gold, but it's ISO 800.
How to compose your photos like a Master Painter.
Episode 016: Photographing Strangers on Film // Brick Lane, London.
Episode 002: Shooting Medium Format Portraits in Natural Light // Mamiya RZ67 Pro ii
Shooting Medium Format Film in Mallorca, Spain.