264 тысяч подписчиков
802 видео
Caution Order GR 4.09 explained | Must watch for SS/SM/TM/LP/Controller
Authority T/369(3B) details : Authority Episode-1
Station Working Rules : SWR Episode 1
Emergency point operation on panel !!
How Station Masters can know fully about their workings ?
Snowfall in Baramulla-Banihal section | Kashmir
Original train sounds-:)
QR code- for G & SR, Operating Manual, Accident Manual etc
Relay room locking, opening, closing and attending procedure | Indian Railways |Desclaimer-followJPO
Guess this train speed !!
LHB rake seats/berths ki jaankari | LHB seats knowledge in 1st AC, 2nd AC, 3rd AC, SL
If you do not get choiced coupe or cabin in first AC then what to do ?
LC Gate inspection by Railway Officials-stay safe from rly track
Life of a train manager in Indian Railways