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3 тысяч видео
Table of 999 is so easy! #shorts #youtubeshorts #explore #math #tables #friendships #mathisfun
Mixed fractions to Decimal ORALLY! #shorts #ytshorts #yt #fastandeasymaths #math #shortsvideo
Calculate faster than a Calculator! #fastandeasymaths #mathematics #multiply #multiplication #shorts
(√32√32√32)^32 Many got this nice Olympiad question wrong! can you get it right?
Find sin 300, cos 765, tan 870 etc in secs | Allied angles | Trigonometric ratios of allied angles
No Calculators allowed!!
100! - 99! / 99! Many got it wrong!!
5 × 8 ÷ (-2) / 2 + (-4) Test your Math skills. Literally many got it wrong!
3^5 + 3^4 + 3^3 + 3^2 + 3 = ? Many failed to do it! Can you?
6^12 ÷ 12^6. Literally 90% failed to do it!
Why can't we divide by zero?
3^x + 3^x = 90 Many got it wrong because they didn't know where to start!
Multiplication Hack
Viral Puzzle!!
Can you crack this in 5 seconds??
Can you crack this?
90% failed this Ukrain Olympiad Math problem! What is the product of bits and girls?
6! - 4!/ 6! + 4! Many failed to do it ORALLY!!
Which is Greater?
Can you crack this IQ Test?
Test your IQ solution 94
Probability tricks for tossing of coins|
Which is GREATER? No calculator!
Literally 90% failed to find the number. A number is multiplied
4, 9, 21, 47, ? 90% failed to complete the series! Can you?
-1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 4, 1, 6, 7, ? Literally many failed to complete the series! Can you?
(x-4)! =6! 7! Literally 90% got it wrong!!
(3/4)a -2= 1.75 Find a. Many failed to solve this math test question! Can you?
√64% - 8% The answer is not zero - Only for smart ones! Spain Math Olympiad
Divisibility rules for 23, 29 and 31| You can now do it ORALLY!
If 7% of a number is 700 then 100% is? Many failed to do! Israeli Math Olympiad
x! ÷ 6! = 7! Many failed! Test your Math skills |
(x! ÷ 6!) =7!Literally 90% got it wrong!!
80÷4(3+2) The answer is not 4. Many got it wrong! Ukraine Math Test
7^x + 7^x + 7^x + 7^x = 49 Many didn't know how to begin!
Literally 90% failed to solve this nice word problem. Can you?
Hack for all ages!
Can you CRACK this?
125^b = 5^a-3; 3^a = 81^b+2; ab=? 90% failed to get it right! Can you?
(x - 7)^2 = 49. Literally many got it wrong!
Percentage tricks |
Permutations and Combinations SHORTCUT (trick) for JEE/NDA/CETs/ BITSAT - SOLVE in 3 seconds!
What are Mixed Fractions? Introduction to Mixed Numbers
Decimals to fractions
Hack for all ages | convert mixed fraction to improper fraction
Table of 999 is so easy!
Viral trick to find Square root of decimal numbers