576 тысяч подписчиков
2 тысяч видео
Stealth Buy: Harley Benton EX-84 (plorer!)
What is Mastering?? #shorts
Stupidly Useful: Dynamic EQ!
How to use HARDWARE FX with your DAW | SpectreSoundStudios TUTORIAL
Megadeth Bassist shares his feelings about Spectre Sound!
IS IT CRAP?? Harley Benton Offset
Unlock THOUSANDS of Free Plugins in Reaper!
KEMPER owners are going to be REALLY, REALLY, MAD when they hear this!
Pickup height makes a HUGE difference?
The SOUND is in the HANDS - part 1
The Guitar industry is LYING TO YOU!!! | VC402
Soldano Sound for $183!!
RME Fireface UFX+ Studio Install | SpectreSoundStudios
Throw out your SM57! Austrian Audio OC7 & OD5
3 FREE Amp Sim Plugins that SOUND UNREAL!
Home Recording just got EASIER! Universal Audio VOLT
Still Mixing on Headphones? Heres something better.
How to Mix Amp Sim guitars
A Gibson Won't Make me Better?? | VC363
Top 10 Free Plugins for Metal - 2019 edition!
How to record EXTREME VOCALS | SpectreSoundStudios TUTORIAL
EPIC FAIL! Line 6 CATALYST: A Fearless Gear Review
Fearless Gear Review Blackstar HT5
5 ways Headphones work BETTER than Studio Monitors
Greatest FREE EQ plugin ever: Reeq
The $256 Tube Amp will RIVAL a Marshall PLEXI!
How to USE A PATCHBAY | Spectre Sound Studios TUTORIAL
What the Hell is Analog Summing?
Monday Morning Mix Reviews - May 15
Programming Metal Drums in Reaper?
Harrison Mixbus 32c: Digital goes old school | SpectreSoundStudios DAW REVIEW
My 10 year old niece reacts to "I Am Your Father" in Empire Strikes Back!
It's not the SOUND, it's about how much it COST!
3 Simple reasons why NOT to trust the GUITAR PLAYER! | VC397
Here's my BEST EVER Impulse Response (for free)
$3000 Neumann U87 vs $70 Clone from Aliexpress
The OUTRAGE over Chinese made Guitars
Moon on the Water (Power Ballad Version) BECK ANIME COVER
Why do Guitarists get SO OFFENDED when you point this out? VC408
Can This TINY Pedal Amp Outperform My Best Tube Amps?
Solar V - Unbox and First Impression
How to Mix Metal Drums - With Included Plugins | Spectre Sound Studios Tutorial
How do I use an Impulse Response for Awesome Guitar Tone? | SMG BASICS
13 Reasons Why PRO TOOLS is BETTER than REAPER
Yeah, THAT will fix the problem! VC412
Is AI going to DESTROY MUSIC? - VC411
What matters MOST with Guitar Tone?
The Tubes vs Solid State Challenge!
Why Modern Metal Vocals are TERRIBLE!!!